As believers, the foundation of everything we are and have is built on trust in God. Trusting Him is the very first step in our faith journey — without belief in God, we cannot fully trust Him to fulfil His promises.
The enemy’s greatest tactic is to plant seeds of doubt in your heart. If he can get you to question God’s word, he can shake your faith and make you vulnerable to deception. This was exactly how he tempted Eve in Genesis 3:1, asking, “Did God really say…?” That same doubt creeps in when you start asking yourselves:
- Did God really send Jesus to die for me?
- Am I truly the righteousness of God in Christ?
- Does God really love me?
- Does God really want good things for me?
In Matthew 3:16-17, after Jesus was baptised, God spoke over Him, declaring His identity and love: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” But in Matthew 4:1-4, when Jesus was in the wilderness, Satan attempted to challenge that very truth. “If you are the Son of God…” he said, trying to shake Jesus’ confidence in what God had already declared. But Jesus responded with authority, saying, “It is written…” He stood firm in His trust, relying on God’s word rather than circumstances or feelings.
Do you trust what God has said about you?
How to Build Trust in God

- Get to Know Him – You can’t trust someone you don’t know. A strong relationship with God is built by spending time in His word, in prayer, and recognising His presence in your life.
- Be Trustworthy (Titus 1:15) – If your own words and actions lack integrity, it becomes harder to trust others, including God. But unlike people, God is unwavering — He never fails, and with Him, there’s no fear of betrayal.
- Count Your Blessings – Take a moment to reflect on all the times God has come through for you. The more you recognise His faithfulness, the easier it becomes to trust Him. This was David’s confidence when he faced Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. He remembered how God had delivered him from the lion and the bear, so he had no doubt that God would do it again. God’s character never changes —He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Where to Trust God

Life is full of challenges, unexpected trials, setbacks, and moments that test our faith. Yet, God assures us that we are never alone in these seasons. Think about Daniel in the lion’s den (Daniel 6), the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3); In each case, God not only delivered them but used their trials to strengthen and elevate them. If you are facing a storm right now, remember that God is still in control. Trust that He will sustain you, make a way where there seems to be none, and turn even the most painful experiences into testimonies of His faithfulness. Trust God:
- To bring you through difficult situations.
- To never leave or forsake you.
- To always keep His promises.
When you place your trust in God, He will show up — because He always does. His faithfulness is unwavering, and He honours those who dare to trust Him.
So, step out in faith. Dare to trust God!